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Back to school, ready to learn

We are back to school at full speed ahead. Each teacher has put in a busy summer preparing lesson plans and planning a rigorous class schedule. Educating the whole child is a key to their continued success. Our classes include Preschool 3 and 4 year old through 7th grade. P.E. and music are two of the specialty classes that students enjoy on a twice per week schedule.

We offer early childhood education for Preschool 3 and 4 year old students. These students are learning colors, letter recognition, letter sounds, and math skills using manipulates.

They are also making friends and working on gross motor skills with recess.

In Kindergarten they are active learners. They are learning things like how to properly hold our pencil, what cursive looks like, letter sounds, how to write the date in different ways, and how to follow the rules.

Going out on recess gives them a change to build lifelong friendships while getting a much needed break in the academic day.

In the 1st and 2nd grades they are inquisitive learners. They are building on their reading skills. By doing this as a group and as individuals it brings reading and books to life.

Working independently on worksheet builds confidence that is necessary to become a successful reader.

The 3rd and 4th graders find time to enjoy a rich classroom environment full of active learning. Grammar is practiced every day to build strong skills.

Math skills are honed with practice and drills. The memorization of math facts is key to mastering more complex calculations.

Reading on the rug in our classroom library is a special treat. It is always great to share a good book with a friend.

The 5th, 6th, and 7th grade classroom is an active place. They work independently and in small groups to accomplish tasks. The book of Genesis serves as the textbook for Bible and Literature classes. They actively dive into God's Word. Quizzes in both subjects offer greater opportunity to dive deeper into the Bible. The class stands and greets visitors.

Their class schedule is very full, yet giving enough time to master each subject. Learning how to think, not just what to think is a valuable skill that will stay with them all of their lives.

The school comes together for Chapel Worship service on Friday mornings. It is a wonderful time to hear God’s Word, bring our offerings and sing praises to Him.

It is never to late to make a change in your child's life that will benefit them for their entire life.

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