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Back-to-School at Zion this Fall

Welcome to our new school year! I pray God’s blessings on you and your families! We have an exciting, albeit unusual, school year ahead of us. Below are some details that you might find important as you prepare for the school year.

First of all, Zion Lutheran School is planning to begin our school year on Monday, August 22nd. We are currently offering PreK3-6th grade, in-person learning. The School Board, Elders, and Ministry Council of Zion Lutheran Church are closely following what the surrounding schools are doing in regard to classes and policies. Even in the midst of all these things going on, God continues to provide a great opportunity for us to offer a quality, classical education with smaller class sizes, appropriate policies for safety and security, and a Christian worldview. For your information, and in hopes that you can share this information with others who ask, I have included some of our new COVID policies. (These are also modified depending upon the current status of COVID in our community, and in the attempts to provide the best education as possible for the mind, body, and spirit).

COVID-19 policy at Zion Lutheran School

  • Parents will typically drop off their children at the entrance to the school and will not enter into the school through the security doors unless necessary.

  • All students will have their temperature taken upon entrance into the school. Anyone with a temperature above 100 will not be allowed to enter school.

  • The number of visitors will be limited - temperatures will be scanned for all visitors who wish to enter the school.

  • Deep cleaning and disinfecting will be done on a regular and strict schedule.

  • Regular handwashing will be strongly enforced.

  • Masks are optional, though encouraged. Teachers retain the option of taking them away from students if they become a distraction or get dirty.

  • Social Distancing - will be attempted within age-appropriate reason. This includes classroom, activities, and lunch.

  • Sharing of items will be limited i.e. pencils, crayons, markers, etc. Parents are asked to please label their child’s supplies so they are identifiable.

  • We ask that if any person becomes ill who lives in the same house as a student, that the student stays home until the illness is past.

Here is our staff this year:

Our Teaching Staff:

Our Office, Kitchen, and current After School Care (ASC) staff:

  • Josh Swigart - headmaster

  • JoAnn Claybaugh – administrative assistant

  • Heather Ratcliff – head cook

  • Bridgett Butterfield – assistant cook

  • Jennifer Rippy – ASC

  • Karolyn McCreary – ASC

  • Jordan Ratcliff - ASC

It has been a productive and exciting summer at Zion. Our Summer Program has been extremely successful and everyone involved had a wonderful time. Several people have also worked hard to make improvements and maintain a quality atmosphere on our school grounds. Staff and volunteers have painted, set up classrooms, and continue to make Zion a great place to learn. A huge thank you to all who helped out!

Please read your Parent Handbook to review policies and procedures for the school. To help in establishing our routine, please note the process for the beginning of each day of school. Following Lutheran Classical tradition, our grade school students will be meeting together at 8:00am for devotions to begin the day. If your child arrives after 8:00, he/she will need to sit in the school foyer until devotions are finished. If your child is tardy, a tardy slip will be given the him/her. (Please note that unexcused tardies add up to unexcused absences.) Children who are tardy may not have their parents accompany them to the classroom. Please make sure your children are at school by 7:55am. We support your desire and responsibility to teach your children a good work ethic that includes punctuality. Parents, you are very welcomed to join us in our devotion time!

Please note that enrolling your child at Zion also grants you automatic membership into our Parent/Teacher Fellowship. The PTF plans social events at school, and its big fundraiser is our Octoberfest dinner and auction. Stay tuned for more information and please look for ways you can be involved.

We recognize that your time is valuable. Please look at the school calendar for activities in which you and your family can be involved. Also, plan to attend the PTF Back to School Night is on Thursday, Sept. 10th when you can get to know some of the other parents and learn a little more about the school year. Check the school newsletter for more information on this event.

If you know of anyone who might be interested in our school, please send them our way. We would love to schedule a tour or answer any questions that people may have. From everyone at Zion, we look forward to a great year together!

In faith toward Christ and in fervent love for one another,

Rev. Ross Shaver, Pastor

Zion Lutheran Church, School and Daycare

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